Tuesday, 5 August 2014

A Tunnocks teacake by Dounreay, another end to end walker and his owner, and views of the Old Man of Hoy

Yesterday at the campsite in Melvich another walker turned up, Andy and his dog Alfie, also walking End to End. A rare sight. He's walking north to south though so has only just started. The thing is, he's done it before, south to north. Mad, but also hugely admirable and a good chap. His blog is: http://theaaaway.blogspot.co.uk.
We are seeing a lot of cyclists now as they all converge, but still only one other walker.
The Melvich campsite was in such a lovely spot and it was a treat to be able to sit out in the evening unbothered by midges and wrapped up in layers against the northern cold. The first photo is essential Scottish walking kit. You probably don't need to spend too much time guessing what's in the bottle. (And I've carried it since Fort William!).
This morning we woke to a midge free clear bright sunshiney day. The day got warmer and Orkney was so very clear across the sea. The second photo is of Orkney and if you look really carefully you'll see the Old Man of Hoy to the left of the island. On the route today we went past Dounreay and a well placed shop and I had to have a teacake before I leave Scotland. So good! As we came into the outskirts of Thurso we stopped for a drink of water and a car stopped and backed over the pavement towards us. The window was wound down, and the driver, an elderly, slightly deaf Irish woman, bellowed out that she'd drive us down to town as we looked tired. So we piled ourselves in and took a white knuckle ride down to the sea front while she talked nineteen to the dozen. What an angel.
Two days to go ...

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