Saturday 28 June 2014

The valley of the silent viaducts

I took a left onto the Dales Way and up the Lune. Day 44, and all the people seemed to have disappeared. I saw no one until mid afternoon and then met a Dales Way walker. We walked together for a while and as I talked about who I am raising money for, it turned out he had been in Palestine in 1967, repairing fruit trees during the six day war. Later, whilst waiting for signs of life at the farm I was camping at, and drinking tea made for me by people in the holiday cottage next door, a chap walked by who had walked Land's End to John O'Groats five years ago. This is the first person I've met yet who has walked it. As you might imagine, I was quite excited to learn that there really are other people out there as crazy as me.

1 comment:

  1. It was great meeting you and talking trail. You're doing so well and I'm sure you'll make it to the end. Good luck. Geoff
